Sunday, December 29, 2019

Should College Be Free And Open For Anyone Essay

What would happen if everyone was equal in the work place? What if surgeons made just as much as cashiers at McDonalds? I am all for equality when it comes to gender issues and equal pay for women, but I am also a supporter of hard workers getting what they deserve. This is the reason why most people today aspire to have a college education, because attending college provides you with the skills and knowledge to be successful in the real world. If everyone had easy access to receiving a college education, the entire working field would be turned upside down. My audience for this essay is the voters that will be voting in this coming election. In addition, it will appeal to adults with younger children preparing for them to go off to college and trying to figure out how they will pay for the constantly rising college expense. I am advocating that college should not be free and open for anyone to attend. I believe that it would cause more problems then it would solve and would be unfai r for the people that have worked hard their entire lives in order to attend a prestigious university. We all know that there are the rich and the poor, but what separates the classes in this economy? Some people are born into money, but most came from nothing and have still managed to be wildly successful. In short, people who work hard are successful and those who do not strive for success, never attain it. This is the difference between the rich and the poor. Some say that this statement isShow MoreRelatedIs It Worth It?1394 Words   |  6 Pageswere taught that going to college was something we were expected to achieve. Having a degree is considered, to be a vital success in our culture. But decades later the rising of tuition for higher education has been growing at almost twice the rate, and also for the high unemployment for the recent graduates; so is college a necessity or a luxury? 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