Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects Of Gender Stereotypes On Children s Clothing

Introduction (Slide 1-3) During the Victorian times, people were dressed to show their identity and also their position in the society. Same as their children, parents also paid the attention to the things their children wore. They were dressed exactly the same style as their parents. Once graphics that separated sexes appeared on clothing, their styles were more specific as boy s or a girl s clothing. So colors were used for children s clothing is a gender symbolism, which is one thing that always be a part of the kid’s garment since that time. However, some parents at the present time are looking for the clothes that is not pushing gender stereotypes on their kids too much. It could be argued that gender in children’s clothing is slightly changing at different periods of time. The layette (Slide 4-6) In the 1800s, before a layette was known, swaddling clothes were the first baby’s first garment. It refers to wrapping infants in blankets or any kind of fabrics in different lengths. The layette was taken place in the Victorian times made swaddling became unpopular. Layette comes from the French word means little drawer, so it could be mean to buy the baby a drawer full of clothes, or at least the essentials that need to get through the first months. The material of a layette in the victorian times were mostly natural fabrics, such as muslin, linen, pure woolen, and cotton. This baby’s first wardrobe contained the fist shirts and cotton diapers with pure wool or silkShow MoreRelatedGender Roles Of Video Games : Implications For Gender Socialization And Aggressive Behavior1576 Words   |  7 Pages1412378 SOCIOL 1A06 - TUTORIAL #24 10/20/2014 Sociology 1A06 Assignment Part B Article 1: Dietz, Tracy L. (1998). An examination of violence and gender role portrayals in video games: Implications for gender socialization and aggressive behavior. Sex Roles, 38(5/6), 425-442). 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